How to write a resume – Conquering the major obstacles most people face


How to write a resume – Conquering the major obstacles most people face Start your resume off strong by highlighting your abilities and experience. Just like a cover letter, these need to follow a specific format for presentation, which should be obvious right away to anyone looking at your resume. Bear in mind that your […]

Resume for online job search -How to set up your resume for Job search online

Resume for online job search

Resume for online job search -How to set up your resume for Job search online A resume is a resume, Simple! You may keep hearing about these, supposedly countless varieties of resumes, but what exactly are they? It’s perfectly normal to feel bewildered by the plethora of terms used to describe resumes and applications. But […]

How to prepare a resume -6 easy steps to create a good resume

How to prepare a resume

How to prepare a resume -6 easy steps to create a good resume Preparing a resume is very important for job seekers, in today’s competitive job market, a well-written resume is essential. As a job seeker, your resume does not only have to spell out your experiences and background but must be well-optimized and eye […]

Tailoring Your Resume-How To Tailor Your Resume/CV For A Specific Job Interview

Tailoring your Resume

Tailoring Your Resume -How To Tailor Your Resume/CV For A Specific Job Interview Hiring managers often skim resumes rather than reading them word for word to save time. Tailoring your resume to the employer’s job description or for a specific job interview is a surefire way to get your application noticed. To highlight your most […]

Students Resume -6 Contents and sections to add to a student’s resume

Students Resume

Students Resume – 6 Contents and sections to add to a student’s resume Writing a student’s resume might not necessarily be for job hunting only, hence could be needed for scholarships or admission applications. Getting a job for the first time is always harder than transferring from an old job to a new one. As […]

Book Writing ideas -5 ways of getting inspiration for book writing

Book Writing ideas

Book Writing ideas -5 ways of getting inspiration for book writing Regardless of the type of book which ought to be written, writing can be hard, especially for beginners or those who have never attempted writing before. Oftentimes, writers tend to overthink a story or a project up to the extent that they experience writer’s […]

Book Writing Steps -10 Simple steps for writing a Book

Book Writing Steps

Book Writing Steps -10 Simple steps for writing a Book Oftentimes, book writing (especially the creation of lengthy books like novels, a collection of short stories, non-fiction, and so on) can be quite demanding and stressful. This is so because it may demand a huge amount of time, energy, and attention from the writer. In […]

Book writing Donts -5 things to avoid when writing a Book

Book writing Donts -5 things to avoid when writing a Book

Book writing Donts -5 things to avoid when writing a Book Writing a book can be interesting, easy and swift if the writer plans properly and is disciplined enough to carry out these plans. Similarly, there are writers who, at the beginning of the book writing process, may be devoted and inspired by the storyline […]

CV vs Resume -Similarities and differences between a Resume and a Curriculum Vitae

CV vs Resume

CV vs Resume -Similarities and differences between a Resume and a Curriculum Vitae Usually, CV and resume are used interchangeably, but it shouldn’t be so. A curriculum vitae is quite different from a resume. If you have had issues setting one apart from the other, follow through on this article, we will discuss thoroughly the […]

Writing a book review -The dos and donts

Writing a book review

Writing a book review -The dos and donts Regardless of whichever platform you’d be reviewing a book, whether in a paper column or the likes of Novelcat and Webnovel or even on a blog etc. you should have it in mind that what you are going to write down must contain useful information and be […]

Screenwriting Process -A complete guide to the screen writing process

Screenwriting Process

Screenwriting Process -A complete guide to the screen writing process Every successfully produced movie, cartoon, short film, etc. was all inspired by an idea whether originally fabricated or adapted from a good book, the hobbit, lord of the rings, lord of the flies, etc. Now, these processes involved in making a successful movie script all […]

7 types of e-books you can write -Book writing idea

7 types of e-books you can write

7 types of e-books you can write -Book writing idea Bringing to light, the purpose of this article is to hone your focus, ability, versatility, and sense of direction concerning e-book creation to razor sharpness. Writing your e-book requires a wholesome amount of process and work, certain types of e-books are complicated and the creative […]

Fan and Non Fanfiction -Meaning and components

Fan and Non Fanfiction

Fan and Non Fanfiction -Meaning and components What is a Fan Fiction? The Oxford Dictionary defines fan fiction as a form of fiction written by a fan of and featuring characters from a particular film, TV series and so on. In other words, fan fiction can be defined as the remake, alteration or extension of […]

Breeding a sci-fi concept into a complete work (novel)

Breeding a sci-fi concept

Breeding a sci-fi concept into a complete work (novel) I should take this opportunity to tell you about my newest sci-fi horror-themed Novel. How do you bring that lingering out of earth idea into book? See the above as an actual question demanding an answer. Do you ever wonder how Margaret Atwood did her Oryx […]