Book Writing Steps -10 Simple steps for writing a Book

Oftentimes, book writing (especially the creation of lengthy books like novels, a collection of short stories, non-fiction, and so on) can be quite demanding and stressful. This is so because it may demand a huge amount of time, energy, and attention from the writer.

In such situations, the writer may not have enough free time to devote to the piece and, in the end, he/she may end up abandoning the book-writing process entirely. Hence, it is important to note that it is very possible for a writer to finish writing a book regardless of the amount of time or the tight work schedule he/she may have.

All that is required from the writer is a certain level of consistency and dedication each day. In this regard, the core aim of this article is to provide valuable tips which can be employed by writers who are finding it hard to settle down or keep up with the entire book-writing process.

10 Book Writing Steps to help you complete your book writing

Fill the book with topics or themes of interest

When it comes to book writing or any form of writing, it is always important for the writer to add themes or topics of interest to the book. This is so because, while writing the book, the writer will be permitted to indulge, curate controversial ideas relating to that particular theme and/or even tweak that particular theme to his/her satisfaction.

Writers are permitted to do all of that, provided that they do not borrow or copy the ideas of other writers. The bottom line is that, in order to stay motivated during the entire writing process.

It is vital for the writer to indulge in topics which he/she may feel strongly about this way, the writer will enjoy and even look forward to conducting further research for the sake of the book and its themes. In book writing, passion is the most important ingredient, similarly, unceasing interest breeds and fuels passion.

Make writing a daily habit

Inconsistency happens to be one of the core reasons why writers fail to keep up with the entire writing process. Similarly, when it comes to book writing, once the writer starts to procrastinate the entire writing process, finishing up the book may take more time than expected.

Hence, in order to effectively eliminate this problem, it is vital for the writer to devote at least three hours to the book writing process every day.

This can be done by setting up reminders (like alarms, pasting sticky notes in visible places and so on). If the writer carries out this act consistently for a month (depending on the size of the desired book), writing every day will slowly become a habit for the writer.

Set daily limits

Book writing is all about deep thinking and planning, hence, in order to finish up a book on time, it is important for the writer to incorporate planning into his/her daily routine. This is so because (in the case of novels or lengthy stories), the writer will have to think of the end before the second chapter as well as how to make the chances of prediction in the book to be lesser.

Similarly, the writer will also have to set daily limits (i.e when to stop for the day). This way, the writer will not miss out on other important activities and, the writer will have something to look forward to and think about while carrying out other activities.

Estimate and work towards a particular word count

This tip is closely similar to the previously stated tip which stresses the importance of planning during the entire book writing process. In this regard, it is important for the writer to set up an estimated word count which he/she will work towards while writing the book.

This way, it will be easier for the writer to divide his/her time daily into achieving a particular word count. In addition to that, the writer will also be able to tell the specific amount of weeks or months that it may take to finish up the book.

Create a writing space

One of the best ways to enjoy or make the most of the book writing process is by creating a comfortable space or atmosphere for daily writing. This could be a nice and serene area(like the Library), a place where the writer feels most comfortable (like a home office) or any other environment which is most conducive for the writer.

Have a reading crew on standby

Most of the time, writers are driven to keep writing by encouragement and either good or bad feedback from readers. Hence, it is important for a writer to have at least one or two persons who will be willing to read anything relating to that particular story.

Depending on the personality of the writer, the criticisms or encouragements from these readers can also aid in fueling the passion of the writer. The reading crew could be friends, family or even members of an online community(like Quora).

When experiencing a block, take the bus

During the course of writing a book, a writer is bound to stumble on blocks or lack inspiration at least twice(if it is a lengthy book). When faced with this situation, the best thing to do will be to take a ride on a bus, on a train or even drive. By doing so, the writer may be able to watch the happenings of other people for a specific period of time, this could be a good source of inspiration for a lot of writers.

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Always have a notepad and a pen close-by

During the course of writing a book, a writer may spend a lot of time thinking about interesting elements to add to the storyline or the book. As a result of this, different interesting ideas relating to the book may come up at any time or place.

Hence, it is vital for the writer to always have a place to jot down these ideas so that they will not be forgotten. If the writer is unable to carry a notepad and a pen all day, he/she can have a notepad on standby on a smartphone or laptop as well.

Conduct proper research

Constant research is an important aspect of all forms of writing. This is so because, by agreeing to take on the writing title, the writer automatically becomes a teacher or an indirect educator to his/her readers or audience.

Hence, it is vital for the writer to conduct proper research. Similarly, in order to effectively tweak a particular aspect of human life, the writer has to be very knowledgeable in that particular area. This can only be done by conducting proper research.

Proofread at least twice

Most writers tend to divide their books into sections during the writing process. Hence, in order to make the book writing process so much easier, it is important for the writer to try to proofread first at the end of each section and finally at the end of the entire book.

If the task seems too trying for the writer, the writer can ask a friend, fellow writer or family member to help out in the first proofreading process. However, it is important for the writer to proofread the book at some point, this way, it will be easier to include or remove specific things from the book.


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