Word Converter

Key Metrics
Top 3 Words Used

Word and Sentence Counter

Most people have probably had an assignment with a word limit. There are several reasons professors and teachers use word count when assigning assignments. They care most about whether or not their students are putting in adequate effort on their assignments. While some students naturally exhibit high levels of self-control and work ethic, others will require more time and guidance to develop these traits.

Writing essays and articles on specific themes can be challenging, therefore it’s only natural that many students look for shortcuts. This is why word counters were such a game-changer for educators; before their advent, teachers had to manually allocate topics to students based on page counts. In articles and essays, the number of pages can be easily manipulated, which is a major issue.

Some students may write too small, while others may place their letters too far apart, resulting in unnecessary effort on both of their parts. Accuracy is improved by using word counts. It also serves as a grammar checker. While most people have used a spell-checker at some point, grammatical errors are just as widespread, if not more so. Several grammatical errors are frequently made. Things like capitalization are examples of what can fall into this category.

Capitalization of nouns like North and north, for instance, might be misleading. Issues with conjunction use are also present. Many people incorrectly use the conjunction its instead of the correct it’s. One of the most crucial aspects of creating a high-quality essay, article, or paper is using correct grammar.

However, the use of correct grammar is not always considered to be a necessary step in the process of producing high-quality text. Having the ability to craft engaging narratives or articles is not the same thing as being a proficient writer. Who knows, maybe you’re not even a great speller! Here’s where a competent online grammar checker comes in handy; as it works to fix your grammar, you can concentrate on what you do best.

Word Counter is a simple, user-friendly web utility that does more than just count words and characters; check for spelling and grammar errors as you type in most cases. To get started, either start typing in the box provided by the tool you want to utilize and relocating your information there or copy and paste the relevant material.

The number of words and characters you have used will be displayed at the top or bottom, while errors will be highlighted and your most often used keywords will be displayed on the right. Word Counter also lets you compare your text’s length to that of other popular web features, such as Twitter’s 140-character tweet limit, Google’s 300-character meta description, and Facebook’s average post display length (250).

If your text is more than 360 characters long, the counter will instead display the number of sentences, paragraphs, and pages; these are all helpful metrics for blog posts, articles, papers, essays, dissertations, and other long-form work. An accurate word count is useful information in many situations. For any given assignment (article, essay, report, tale, book, paper, etc.), an author may be required to stick to a strict word count. Using WordCounter, you may check if your document has enough words or if it’s getting too long.

The keyword density and most frequently used phrases in your content are also displayed by WordCounter. You may then determine the frequency and percentage distribution of your use of individual keywords. This can help you avoid keyword stuffing and ensure that your text has an optimal distribution of terms. A person’s typical reading and listening times may be found in the Details overview, while the Reading Level shows what a person’s required reading level would be to grasp your work.

A sentence counter works great as well, it is a helpful online resource for quickly and easily determining how many sentences are present in a given piece of text. This useful tool displays word, paragraph, and character counts in addition to the number of sentences. The fact that the sentence counter runs in a standalone fashion on the user’s local machine means that any information entered into it is completely protected from any potential network intrusion.

Use this free tool to determine the precise number of sentences contained in the text you have created. Word and character counts are also provided in addition to sentence counts by this instrument.

A sentence counter automatically counts the number of phrases, words, and characters in any given text. There are a variety of file types that can include the textual data you need to evaluate. The sentence counter is flexible enough to accommodate everything from a single string of text to lengthy content with many paragraphs separated by line breaks.

Even though the text box is very small, it can rapidly and effectively process content that contains hundreds or even tens of thousands of words. You can use it as a perfect sentence calculator for novels, essays, and even certain books.


Why is word count so Important?

Even while most readers won’t care if they don’t know your word count, you shouldn’t assume they don’t care. Knowing and caring about something is different, of course. It’s possible that some readers won’t be familiar with the proper technical word. It’s possible they just don’t consider the possibility.

However, time is of the essence if you haven’t yet written enough words. You need to make repairs immediately. Word count is nothing more than the length of a document, whether it be a novel, a narrative, a blog post, a school essay, a magazine article, or a sales letter. Word count is relevant to the nature of the work being produced. The average word count of a novel is 80,000, while the average word count of a magazine article is usually 1000 words.

As an analogy, some novel genres are bound to be lengthier than others. The typical word count for a short narrative is greater than 1,000 but lower than 20,000. It follows that there is a wide variety of word counts for different kinds of writing. Keep in mind that word count isn’t the sole element in determining who will like and who will not like your work. That is but one example among many. In most cases, what matters most is the actual content of the work.

If worrying about your word count prevents you from thinking creatively, you shouldn’t bother with it. In a nutshell, yes. During the editing and proofreading process, pay close attention to the word count. You shouldn’t worry about how many words you’ve written when you’re just getting your first draft down on paper. Don’t bother with the form.

Need to know your word count? Utilize our free word counter tool, it is accurate and easy to use!


Benefits of using word/ Sentence counter

Students, professionals, and people in a variety of other fields all need to be able to write effectively. Students in colleges and universities, for instance, often need to keep within strict word limits while writing projects. Also, digital marketers must adhere to the character limits set by various social networking sites. Word counters are useful since they ensure you don’t go over your word count and help you meet your writing goals. It’s not always necessary to count your words while you write. Alternatively, you may give thought to the article’s function.

The lack of word count functionality in your writing program might be frustrating. Because of this, you will have no idea how many words you have written. A reliable word counter is necessary for a variety of reasons. Let’s take a look at the top three.


  • Limits documents to an ideal length

You have been tasked with writing an essay that must fall within a specified word count. If your writing platform doesn’t have a built-in word count counter, how will you know how many words you’ve written? Find out how many words your essay is by using a decent essay word counter. When you know this, it’s much easier to limit the length of your task to the allotted number of words. It’s fine to go slightly above the word count, but doing so is discouraged and should not be your first concern. Just make sure you can cover the material and not go over the word count.


  • You’ll become a more disciplined author.

A writer’s creativity should be contained. A strong writer always maintains full command of his writing abilities, thus every piece should progress smoothly and under control. He can explain a complicated idea clearly, without padding it out over multiple pages. Regrettably, few people can keep their writing in order while still adhering to strict word counts.

They frequently go beyond the allotted word count, which might provide a false impression to both readers and educators. It appears that their efforts are motivated only by a desire to pad the final word count. The use of a reliable word counter app might help you become a more disciplined and organized writer. You can easily monitor your word count and avoid going over when using this tool. Use a word counter to keep tabs on how many words you’ve spent on each section of your paper. You’ll have more control over your files and be less likely to produce fluff.


  • It enables you to write for the general public.

Every piece of writing is intended to be read by someone. Because of this, it must be polished, easy to read, and written at the appropriate degree of complexity for the intended audience. Incomprehensible data or information has no place in a formal paper. Be as clear and concise as you can so that a non-specialist can follow along.

You can use a word count tool to limit your writing to a reasonable length. As an illustration, say you’re tasked with penning a 1,000-word piece on a certain topic. It may be easier to comprehend if broken down into subsections. You can also use headers and subheadings to organize your content. You may keep each section’s word count in check with the use of a word counter.


Top free word counters to use

WordPress and other word processors like Google Docs come with a built-in word counter that can be used to quickly determine how many words and characters are in a given text. But what if you don’t have access to a free word-counting tool when writing?

Here, we’ve prepared a list of the 3 free online word counters, suitable for analyzing both word and character counts, for your perusal and evaluation.


Writers king word counter

It has a streamlined design and a minimal number of buttons, making it one of the easiest to use. In addition to the standard counter options, it also has a special counter for non-space characters, which isn’t available on most other online word counter applications. This free online word counter is the best option if you need a straightforward and user-friendly tool of this kind. With a single click, you will find out how many words, characters, phrases, and paragraphs are in the text you wrote or copied and pasted.



This online word counter doesn’t cost a dime and has an uncluttered design. The word count and character count are displayed in the top bar. The software also counts words and paragraphs. Unlike other online word count sites, it also includes a page counter and a grammar checker. You may gauge the length of the paragraph and the total amount of text you have typed by looking at the page counter. The grammar checker is useful since it helps you find and fix grammatical errors on the spot.




Wordcounter.net is another excellent text-counting tool. It not only counts words and characters but also paragraphs and complete sentences. It may examine the content of your writing and report back on the frequency with which specific keywords appear. If you need to optimize your content for specific keywords in search engines, the percentage breakdown is a huge help.

The list above is just but a few of the various word counter tools available, every word counter has its unique feature and benefits, you can utilize one of the word counter tools above, or browse the internet for more alternatives, in all, ensure you select a word counter that works best for you and suit your specific need.