Sigmund Freud theory of personality


According to Sigmund Freud theory of personality development is one of the most popular and also most controversial theories of modern psychiatry Freud believe that an individual needed successful complete develop a healthy personality can be defined as the various enduring and distinctive pattern of behaviour and though that are characteristic of a particular person some believe that it is as a result of the expression of genetically determined trait others claim they are creations shaped by environment influence while yet other attribute it to the produce of interaction between nature and nurture of the earliest theories of personality development was given by the father of psychiatry Sigmund Freud emphasize the role of childhood experience in shaping adult personality.    He claim that childhood experience are repeated through out life and are critical in determine ones adult relationship.

It is now know that childhood experience is pivotal in creating neural network that shape personality and person expectation of how other will respond to them. According to Freud, each individual progress through these shapes his / her personality. Freud experience with his patient led him to believe that our current problem are the result of conflict early life thus, he thought that only by look at the past can one understand present behavior. He also became convinced the progress through five stages of development and that our adult personality is determined by the way we resolved conflict between our basic bodily urges and the demand of reality. When these conflicts are not resolved, we become fixation at the particular stages of development.

Freud five stages of development are

(4)   Latency stage



Stage YearsCharacterized by
Oral state0-1 yearsA child drives pressure through mouth by sucking, biting and swallowing etc. conflict arises when the viral need are not met.
Anal stage2-4 yearsAnus becomes the center of the gratification as that training start and the pleasure is derived by defecating or   retaining faces
Phalli stage4-7 yearsGenitals become the center of the gratification and the children develop attraction towards the parent of opposite sex. Boys suffer from Oedipus complex and girl suffers from electoral conflict.
Latency stage6-12 yearNo psychosexual development occurs in children the libido is diverted toward asexual activities.
Genital stage12-18 yearsIt is the puberty period when sexual urges reawaken that children exploring their sexuality.


Freud theory state that the person development is completed till he reaches adulthood and his sexual experience dominate his behavour throughout his life. However, Freud’s stage of development were and are criticized expert due to overemphasis of his by theory on sexuality without any supportive corroborative that personality development is a continuous process that happens throughout life.

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