The word accountability according to Hornby was derived from the word accountable, which means adjunct something, responsible for your decisions or actions and expected to explain them when you are accountable to the voter”. The accountability of a company is from director to shareholder.


According to Hornby (2000) financial is a noun connected with money and finance e.g. financial service institution, to give financial advice, assistance support to be in financial difficulties, as independent financial advice”.

From the above generalization, it could be seen that financial deals with management of money or anything involving monetary transaction. The extract from above shows that financial accountability usually involves ability to give explanation of stewardship of money or any other economic resources and assets, therefore the term stewardship accounting is very important in the process of explaining the issue of financial accountability.



Poor accountability of scarce financial resources in any economy is the symptom of underdevelopment. This is because most leaders are not in mood to tolerate any serious patriotic and imaginative effective leadership committed to genuine liquidation of underdevelopment.

The result of these actions according to Akiusulire (2005) can be traced from the following angle.

Government policies: government policies since independence has only favoured some selected individual to the detriment of the entire society. For example, the policy of indigenization of foreign companies, privatization and commercialization policies, import licenses and host of many others have only favoured few individuals at expense of the whole society thereby leading to poor accountability in the country.

Uncertainty about the future and other social evil: uncertainty of the future political situation, poverty, inequality, burden of social responsibilities, inflation and other social vices have also made some public officers to join the bandwagon of the political bureaucrats or the military leaders in materialism. In most cases, it is believed that public leader who take accountability as their desired goal are often regarded as foolish after occupying such offices without achievement material wealth. It is believed that of most Nigerians who occupy public officers does that only to amass wealth which is a panacea for riding flashy cares and the host of others.



This will be eminent when the priority of the government is channeled towards the payment of workers’ salaries and allowances. Usually, prompt payment of working class benefit increases the demand of their products. Consequently, such demand increases the quantity and the quality of the products produced by the industrialist. In alternative, if project executed by the government entails hoarding of public funds by few individuals, it will negate benefits accruing to business and industrial establishment.



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