Qualified Writer Needed

Written Application Assessment (Updated 14th July 2023):

You are to develop a research topic (trendy and problem-oriented) that will include any or all of the keywords in the content (But not necessarily in the title):  Technology, Web3, ICT; or any other term/issue in line with your discipline.

E.g. A topic in Business Education – The role of Business Educators in the changing world of business.

While the above topic did not mention any of the keywords (Technology, Web3, ICT), the keywords will play a vital role in the content.


  1. Word count 1500 words (+/- 10%, meaning 1350-1650)
  2. Topic must be relevant to your area of discipline or interest
  3. Reference style APA 7th Edn (must be within 5years 2018-2023)
  4. Font 12”, Times New Roman, 2-line spacing.
  5. Original content/Plagiarism-Free (Tolerance 0-15%)
  6. No use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is the first check.
  7. Submission Date: We don’t know when you will see this notice, therefore cannot specify how long it will take to get the Application Essay completed. You are expected to verify what you have done. Do not rush to submit without crosschecking, as that may mar your chances.


  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Problem Statement
  4. Literature Review
  5. Summary/Conclusion
  6. Recommendation
  7. References


  1. Submit your content+ CV using the form on this page.

  2. Your application will be processed in the next batch. Kindly exercise patience, as this may take 1-4 weeks. A notification from support@writersking,com with the Title APPLICATION STATUS will be sent not later than 1month of the application.
  3. Where the application is accepted, the terms of engagement will be given to you, and a bio-data form to be completed upon acceptance of the terms of engagement.
  4. Please, note that we will never ask you to pay money for this application
  5. Only applications from Nigeria are accepted (due to different employment laws)


Please submit your completed APPLICATION ESSAY & CV to support@writersking.com with the Title APPLICATION ESSAY