Journals High Impact Factor -List Of International Journals With High Impact Factor you should consider publishing on

This post will highlight journals with high impact factor and also the list of International Journals high impact factor. At the end of the reading, you should be able to make the right choice in selecting a suitable journal to publish your papers.


Impact factor as the name reflects is a metric used in determining the impact of a scientific article. It reflects the number of things works published by a journal has been cited by other researchers, writers, etc. in their scientific works. The impact factor is used in the ranking of journals; therefore, journals with a higher impact factor are deemed more important than the lower ones. The calculation for the impact factor is quite simple.

Impact factor = Number of citations in that year + Number of citations received of articles of the journal during the two preceding years divided by the total number of citable items published by the journal in two preceding years.

Therefore, Impact Factor for a journal in 2019 is;

IF2019 = “Citations 2018+Citations 2017” divided by “Publications 2018+Publications 2017”

The list below is a ranking of journals according to its SJR indicator (SCImago) which is a ranking of scientific influence of a journal. SCImago is more popularly used and is widely available for journals across disciplines and countries.

TitleSJRH IndexTotal Docs. (2018)Total Docs. (3years)Total Refs. (2018)Total Cites (3years)
1African Journal of Reproductive Health0.331 Q33649167931115
2Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice0.255 Q3212785977092379
3African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines0.249 Q23604270338
4African Journal of Infectious Diseases0.238 Q474151104430
5FilosofiaTheoretica0.235 Q15244476621
6Journal of Agricultural Extension0.204 Q32507998218
7Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy0.202 Q4180410287
8Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: Open Access0.197 Q32933510518017572
9Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences0.168 Q3163179104531
10African Journal of Library Archives and Information Science0.156 Q38043013
11Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine0.148 Q411024013
12The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal0.140 Q41612903
13African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences0.139 Q422079018
14African Journal Biomedical Research0.127 Q31534110108220
15African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies0.127 Q4602907
16Nigerian Journal of Medicine: Journal of The National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria0.125 Q4210101014

Here are explanations of the titles of the top row to aid understanding of the table and

Column 3 shows the SJRorSCImago Journal Rank. The Q signifies the quarter of the year the value was calculated.

Q1: January- March

Q2: April – June

Q3: July-September

Q4: October – December

Column 4 shows the H index. H index is author-specific and calculates the citation and productivity of publications of a researcher.

Column 5 shows the total number of articles published by the journal in 2018.

Column 6 shows the total number of articles published by the journal in the past 3 years (2016-2018)

Column 7 presents the total number of citations received by articles published by the journal in 2018

Column 8 shows the total number of citations received by articles published by the journal in the past 3 years (2016-2018)


This is the list of international journals irrespective of discipline and speciality with high impact factor. Impact factor here is based on the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR indicator) which is readily available.  This ranking is based on the prestige of the journal along with the number of citations of articles of the journal.

S/NTitleSJRH indexTotal Docs. (2018)Total Refs (2018)Ref. / Doc. (2018)Country
1CA – A Cancer Journal for Clinicians72.576 Q114445307868.4United States
2MMWR. Recommendations and reports: Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Recommendations and reports / Centers for Disease Control Open Access48.894 Q11343559186.33United States
3Nature Reviews Materials34.171 Q16199812482.06Great Britain
4Quarterly Journal of Economics30.490 Q122840249862.45Great Britain
5Nature Reviews Genetics30.428 Q1320110795472.31Great Britain
6Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology30.397 Q1386119922177.49Great Britain
7Nature Reviews Cancer28.061 Q1396115824071.65Great Britain
8National vital statistics reports : from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System27.310 Q189811414.25United States
9Nature Reviews Immunology26.208 Q1351152818553.85Great Britain
10Cell25.976 Q17056413126548.78United States
11Journal of Political Economy22.902 Q116868306245.03United States
12Chemical Reviews22.157 Q160925097014388.06United States
13Nature Genetics21.508 Q15272701211244.86Great Britain
14Nature Reviews Neuroscience21.210 Q1375136915967.35Great Britain
15Nature Methods21.178 Q1257354628217.75Great Britain
16New England Journal of Medicine19.524 Q193313981505910.77United States
17MMWR. Surveillance summaries : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries / CDCOpen Access18.375 Q1901485160.79United States
18The Lancet Oncology18.073 Q1274606874014.42Great Britain
19Journal of Finance17.973 Q126467360653.82Great Britain
20Nature Reviews Microbiology17.833 Q1250142836158.88Great Britain
21Econometrica17.635 Q116969302543.84Great Britain
22Journal of Statistical Software Open Access17.569 Q111569287841.71United States
23Annual Review of Biochemistry17.500 Q1268405630140.75United States
24Reviews of Modern Physics17.337 Q12984214771351.69United States
25Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics17.101 Q1168173909229.94United States
26Nature Nanotechnology17.049 Q1286260781030.04Great Britain
27Nature Medicine17.007 Q14973381113432.94Great Britain
28Nature Energy16.918 Q161218615328.22United States
29Nature Materials16.524 Q1403258760529.48Great Britain
30Nature16.345 Q1109628314723716.69Great Britain
31Chemical Society Reviews16.116 Q143234164538189.26Great Britain
32The Lancet15.871 Q170016502449914.85Great Britain
33Nature Neuroscience15.852 Q13752481167647.08Great Britain
34Annual Review of Immunology15.726 Q1279315686183.42United States
35Vital & health statistics. Series 3, Analytical and epidemiological studies / [U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics]14.592 Q15000United States
36Nature Biotechnology14.568 Q1399365585816.05Great Britain
37Review of Economic Studies14.499 Q112467347251.82Great Britain
38American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics13.801 Q15132141444.19United States
39Journal of Financial Economics13.636 Q1223128682453.31Netherlands
40Journal of Labor Economics13.590 Q19439190448.82United States
41Administrative Science Quarterly13.521 Q116549365774.63United States
42Nature Reviews Chemistry13.462 Q12157429075.26Great Britain
43Nature Photonics13.456 Q1266183490226.79Great Britain
44Nature Immunology13.300 Q1344247908836.79Great Britain
45Science13.251 Q1105820353700218.18United States
46Energy and Environmental Sciences13.103 Q12793102073966.9Great Britain
47Nature Reviews Disease Primers12.937 Q148819922122.49Great Britain
48Annual Review of Psychology12.778 Q1216212795133.1United States
49Academy of Management Annals12.701 Q151265098196.08Great Britain
50Annual Review of Neuroscience12.626 Q1224263689141.88United States
51Review of Financial Studies12.516 Q1157124663453.5Great Britain
52Journal of Human Resources12.363 Q19232151047.19United States
53The Lancet Neurology12.285 Q1259297584119.67Great Britain
54Nature Cell Biology12.137 Q1337209892042.68Great Britain
55Molecular Cell12.076 Q13564082121752United States
56American Economic Review11.889 Q1253114618854.28United States
57NBER Macroeconomics Annual11.804 Q1561970637.16United States
58Physiological Reviews11.797 Q13125726438463.82United States
59Journal of Clinical Oncology11.754 Q14946631866928.16United States
60Advances in Physics11.746 Q110431532510.67Great Britain
61Cancer Cell11.741 Q1295192997951.97United States
62Vital and health statistics. Series 2, Data evaluation and methods research11.594 Q123521643.2United States
63Annual Review of Plant Biology11.591 Q1235294810165.86United States
64American Economic Journal: Applied Economics11.559 Q16346241152.41United States
65Cell Stem Cell11.434 Q1212222820636.96United States
66Neuron11.377 Q14305153110560.4United States
67Immunity11.299 Q13552571194046.46United States
68Academy of Management Journal10.755 Q12839310042107.98United States
69Cell Metabolism10.692 Q12192281271255.75United States
70Nature Chemistry10.570 Q1187222769234.65Great Britain
71Annual Review of Physiology10.446 Q1190182595144.17United States
72Clinical Microbiology Reviews10.389 Q1245357722220.63United States
73Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology10.329 Q1204243693153.88United States
74Genome Research10.205 Q12691761057660.09United States
75Journal of Accounting Research10.151 Q111834209061.47Great Britain
76Advanced Materials10.108 Q1447160412373777.14United States
77The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology10.088 Q177230545123.7Netherlands
78Trends in Cell Biology10.011 Q121589791488.92Netherlands
79Nature Structural and Molecular Biology10.005 Q1249167789547.28Great Britain
80Genome BiologyOpen Access9.867 Q12072291212452.94Great Britain
81Journal of the American Mathematical Society9.864 Q1802090645.3United States
82Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics9.658 Q151242471102.96United States
83American Journal of Political Science9.602 Q115072361650.22Great Britain
84Nature Physics9.515 Q1233335879926.27Great Britain
85Nature Reviews Drug Discovery9.483 Q1289206910344.19Great Britain
86Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology9.468 Q1127181751441.51Great Britain
87Accounts of Chemical Research9.466 Q13543351716851.25United States
88The Lancet Infectious Diseases9.462 Q1201467945620.25Great Britain
89Annual Review of Biophysics9.430 Q1146303821127.37United States
90Academy of Management Review9.316 Q1242454787106.38United States
91European Urology9.301 Q1187495837816.93Netherlands
92Journal of the American College of Cardiology9.280 Q139410152988929.45Netherlands
93Psychological Bulletin9.276 Q1272469686210.57United States
94Annals of Mathematics9.257 Q19834149744.03United States
95Journal of Marketing9.198 Q121851358170.22United States
96Journal of Economic Literature9.194 Q1145333695111.97United States
97Advanced Energy Materials8.900 Q11568395849369.72Denmark
98Strategic Management Journal8.835 Q12531431172581.99United States
99Nature Protocols8.829 Q1206160826051.63Great Britain
100Annual Review of Economics8.790 Q13922211296United States

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