Journals High Impact Factor -List Of International Journals With High Impact Factor you should consider publishing on
This post will highlight journals with high impact factor and also the list of International Journals high impact factor. At the end of the reading, you should be able to make the right choice in selecting a suitable journal to publish your papers.
Impact factor as the name reflects is a metric used in determining the impact of a scientific article. It reflects the number of things works published by a journal has been cited by other researchers, writers, etc. in their scientific works. The impact factor is used in the ranking of journals; therefore, journals with a higher impact factor are deemed more important than the lower ones. The calculation for the impact factor is quite simple.
Impact factor = Number of citations in that year + Number of citations received of articles of the journal during the two preceding years divided by the total number of citable items published by the journal in two preceding years.
Therefore, Impact Factor for a journal in 2019 is;
IF2019 = “Citations 2018+Citations 2017” divided by “Publications 2018+Publications 2017”
The list below is a ranking of journals according to its SJR indicator (SCImago) which is a ranking of scientific influence of a journal. SCImago is more popularly used and is widely available for journals across disciplines and countries.
Here are explanations of the titles of the top row to aid understanding of the table and
Column 3 shows the SJRorSCImago Journal Rank. The Q signifies the quarter of the year the value was calculated.
Q1: January- March
Q2: April – June
Q3: July-September
Q4: October – December
Column 4 shows the H index. H index is author-specific and calculates the citation and productivity of publications of a researcher.
Column 5 shows the total number of articles published by the journal in 2018.
Column 6 shows the total number of articles published by the journal in the past 3 years (2016-2018)
Column 7 presents the total number of citations received by articles published by the journal in 2018
Column 8 shows the total number of citations received by articles published by the journal in the past 3 years (2016-2018)
This is the list of international journals irrespective of discipline and speciality with high impact factor. Impact factor here is based on the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR indicator) which is readily available. This ranking is based on the prestige of the journal along with the number of citations of articles of the journal.
S/N | Title | SJR | H index | Total Docs. (2018) | Total Refs (2018) | Ref. / Doc. (2018) | Country |
1 | CA – A Cancer Journal for Clinicians | 72.576 Q1 | 144 | 45 | 3078 | 68.4 | United States |
2 | MMWR. Recommendations and reports: Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Recommendations and reports / Centers for Disease Control Open Access | 48.894 Q1 | 134 | 3 | 559 | 186.33 | United States |
3 | Nature Reviews Materials | 34.171 Q1 | 61 | 99 | 8124 | 82.06 | Great Britain |
4 | Quarterly Journal of Economics | 30.490 Q1 | 228 | 40 | 2498 | 62.45 | Great Britain |
5 | Nature Reviews Genetics | 30.428 Q1 | 320 | 110 | 7954 | 72.31 | Great Britain |
6 | Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology | 30.397 Q1 | 386 | 119 | 9221 | 77.49 | Great Britain |
7 | Nature Reviews Cancer | 28.061 Q1 | 396 | 115 | 8240 | 71.65 | Great Britain |
8 | National vital statistics reports : from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System | 27.310 Q1 | 89 | 8 | 114 | 14.25 | United States |
9 | Nature Reviews Immunology | 26.208 Q1 | 351 | 152 | 8185 | 53.85 | Great Britain |
10 | Cell | 25.976 Q1 | 705 | 641 | 31265 | 48.78 | United States |
11 | Journal of Political Economy | 22.902 Q1 | 168 | 68 | 3062 | 45.03 | United States |
12 | Chemical Reviews | 22.157 Q1 | 609 | 250 | 97014 | 388.06 | United States |
13 | Nature Genetics | 21.508 Q1 | 527 | 270 | 12112 | 44.86 | Great Britain |
14 | Nature Reviews Neuroscience | 21.210 Q1 | 375 | 136 | 9159 | 67.35 | Great Britain |
15 | Nature Methods | 21.178 Q1 | 257 | 354 | 6282 | 17.75 | Great Britain |
16 | New England Journal of Medicine | 19.524 Q1 | 933 | 1398 | 15059 | 10.77 | United States |
17 | MMWR. Surveillance summaries : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries / CDCOpen Access | 18.375 Q1 | 90 | 14 | 851 | 60.79 | United States |
18 | The Lancet Oncology | 18.073 Q1 | 274 | 606 | 8740 | 14.42 | Great Britain |
19 | Journal of Finance | 17.973 Q1 | 264 | 67 | 3606 | 53.82 | Great Britain |
20 | Nature Reviews Microbiology | 17.833 Q1 | 250 | 142 | 8361 | 58.88 | Great Britain |
21 | Econometrica | 17.635 Q1 | 169 | 69 | 3025 | 43.84 | Great Britain |
22 | Journal of Statistical Software Open Access | 17.569 Q1 | 115 | 69 | 2878 | 41.71 | United States |
23 | Annual Review of Biochemistry | 17.500 Q1 | 268 | 40 | 5630 | 140.75 | United States |
24 | Reviews of Modern Physics | 17.337 Q1 | 298 | 42 | 14771 | 351.69 | United States |
25 | Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics | 17.101 Q1 | 168 | 17 | 3909 | 229.94 | United States |
26 | Nature Nanotechnology | 17.049 Q1 | 286 | 260 | 7810 | 30.04 | Great Britain |
27 | Nature Medicine | 17.007 Q1 | 497 | 338 | 11134 | 32.94 | Great Britain |
28 | Nature Energy | 16.918 Q1 | 61 | 218 | 6153 | 28.22 | United States |
29 | Nature Materials | 16.524 Q1 | 403 | 258 | 7605 | 29.48 | Great Britain |
30 | Nature | 16.345 Q1 | 1096 | 2831 | 47237 | 16.69 | Great Britain |
31 | Chemical Society Reviews | 16.116 Q1 | 432 | 341 | 64538 | 189.26 | Great Britain |
32 | The Lancet | 15.871 Q1 | 700 | 1650 | 24499 | 14.85 | Great Britain |
33 | Nature Neuroscience | 15.852 Q1 | 375 | 248 | 11676 | 47.08 | Great Britain |
34 | Annual Review of Immunology | 15.726 Q1 | 279 | 31 | 5686 | 183.42 | United States |
35 | Vital & health statistics. Series 3, Analytical and epidemiological studies / [U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics] | 14.592 Q1 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | United States |
36 | Nature Biotechnology | 14.568 Q1 | 399 | 365 | 5858 | 16.05 | Great Britain |
37 | Review of Economic Studies | 14.499 Q1 | 124 | 67 | 3472 | 51.82 | Great Britain |
38 | American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics | 13.801 Q1 | 51 | 32 | 1414 | 44.19 | United States |
39 | Journal of Financial Economics | 13.636 Q1 | 223 | 128 | 6824 | 53.31 | Netherlands |
40 | Journal of Labor Economics | 13.590 Q1 | 94 | 39 | 1904 | 48.82 | United States |
41 | Administrative Science Quarterly | 13.521 Q1 | 165 | 49 | 3657 | 74.63 | United States |
42 | Nature Reviews Chemistry | 13.462 Q1 | 21 | 57 | 4290 | 75.26 | Great Britain |
43 | Nature Photonics | 13.456 Q1 | 266 | 183 | 4902 | 26.79 | Great Britain |
44 | Nature Immunology | 13.300 Q1 | 344 | 247 | 9088 | 36.79 | Great Britain |
45 | Science | 13.251 Q1 | 1058 | 2035 | 37002 | 18.18 | United States |
46 | Energy and Environmental Sciences | 13.103 Q1 | 279 | 310 | 20739 | 66.9 | Great Britain |
47 | Nature Reviews Disease Primers | 12.937 Q1 | 48 | 81 | 9922 | 122.49 | Great Britain |
48 | Annual Review of Psychology | 12.778 Q1 | 216 | 21 | 2795 | 133.1 | United States |
49 | Academy of Management Annals | 12.701 Q1 | 51 | 26 | 5098 | 196.08 | Great Britain |
50 | Annual Review of Neuroscience | 12.626 Q1 | 224 | 26 | 3689 | 141.88 | United States |
51 | Review of Financial Studies | 12.516 Q1 | 157 | 124 | 6634 | 53.5 | Great Britain |
52 | Journal of Human Resources | 12.363 Q1 | 92 | 32 | 1510 | 47.19 | United States |
53 | The Lancet Neurology | 12.285 Q1 | 259 | 297 | 5841 | 19.67 | Great Britain |
54 | Nature Cell Biology | 12.137 Q1 | 337 | 209 | 8920 | 42.68 | Great Britain |
55 | Molecular Cell | 12.076 Q1 | 356 | 408 | 21217 | 52 | United States |
56 | American Economic Review | 11.889 Q1 | 253 | 114 | 6188 | 54.28 | United States |
57 | NBER Macroeconomics Annual | 11.804 Q1 | 56 | 19 | 706 | 37.16 | United States |
58 | Physiological Reviews | 11.797 Q1 | 312 | 57 | 26438 | 463.82 | United States |
59 | Journal of Clinical Oncology | 11.754 Q1 | 494 | 663 | 18669 | 28.16 | United States |
60 | Advances in Physics | 11.746 Q1 | 104 | 3 | 1532 | 510.67 | Great Britain |
61 | Cancer Cell | 11.741 Q1 | 295 | 192 | 9979 | 51.97 | United States |
62 | Vital and health statistics. Series 2, Data evaluation and methods research | 11.594 Q1 | 23 | 5 | 216 | 43.2 | United States |
63 | Annual Review of Plant Biology | 11.591 Q1 | 235 | 29 | 4810 | 165.86 | United States |
64 | American Economic Journal: Applied Economics | 11.559 Q1 | 63 | 46 | 2411 | 52.41 | United States |
65 | Cell Stem Cell | 11.434 Q1 | 212 | 222 | 8206 | 36.96 | United States |
66 | Neuron | 11.377 Q1 | 430 | 515 | 31105 | 60.4 | United States |
67 | Immunity | 11.299 Q1 | 355 | 257 | 11940 | 46.46 | United States |
68 | Academy of Management Journal | 10.755 Q1 | 283 | 93 | 10042 | 107.98 | United States |
69 | Cell Metabolism | 10.692 Q1 | 219 | 228 | 12712 | 55.75 | United States |
70 | Nature Chemistry | 10.570 Q1 | 187 | 222 | 7692 | 34.65 | Great Britain |
71 | Annual Review of Physiology | 10.446 Q1 | 190 | 18 | 2595 | 144.17 | United States |
72 | Clinical Microbiology Reviews | 10.389 Q1 | 245 | 35 | 7722 | 220.63 | United States |
73 | Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology | 10.329 Q1 | 204 | 24 | 3693 | 153.88 | United States |
74 | Genome Research | 10.205 Q1 | 269 | 176 | 10576 | 60.09 | United States |
75 | Journal of Accounting Research | 10.151 Q1 | 118 | 34 | 2090 | 61.47 | Great Britain |
76 | Advanced Materials | 10.108 Q1 | 447 | 1604 | 123737 | 77.14 | United States |
77 | The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology | 10.088 Q1 | 77 | 230 | 5451 | 23.7 | Netherlands |
78 | Trends in Cell Biology | 10.011 Q1 | 215 | 89 | 7914 | 88.92 | Netherlands |
79 | Nature Structural and Molecular Biology | 10.005 Q1 | 249 | 167 | 7895 | 47.28 | Great Britain |
80 | Genome BiologyOpen Access | 9.867 Q1 | 207 | 229 | 12124 | 52.94 | Great Britain |
81 | Journal of the American Mathematical Society | 9.864 Q1 | 80 | 20 | 906 | 45.3 | United States |
82 | Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics | 9.658 Q1 | 51 | 24 | 2471 | 102.96 | United States |
83 | American Journal of Political Science | 9.602 Q1 | 150 | 72 | 3616 | 50.22 | Great Britain |
84 | Nature Physics | 9.515 Q1 | 233 | 335 | 8799 | 26.27 | Great Britain |
85 | Nature Reviews Drug Discovery | 9.483 Q1 | 289 | 206 | 9103 | 44.19 | Great Britain |
86 | Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology | 9.468 Q1 | 127 | 181 | 7514 | 41.51 | Great Britain |
87 | Accounts of Chemical Research | 9.466 Q1 | 354 | 335 | 17168 | 51.25 | United States |
88 | The Lancet Infectious Diseases | 9.462 Q1 | 201 | 467 | 9456 | 20.25 | Great Britain |
89 | Annual Review of Biophysics | 9.430 Q1 | 146 | 30 | 3821 | 127.37 | United States |
90 | Academy of Management Review | 9.316 Q1 | 242 | 45 | 4787 | 106.38 | United States |
91 | European Urology | 9.301 Q1 | 187 | 495 | 8378 | 16.93 | Netherlands |
92 | Journal of the American College of Cardiology | 9.280 Q1 | 394 | 1015 | 29889 | 29.45 | Netherlands |
93 | Psychological Bulletin | 9.276 Q1 | 272 | 46 | 9686 | 210.57 | United States |
94 | Annals of Mathematics | 9.257 Q1 | 98 | 34 | 1497 | 44.03 | United States |
95 | Journal of Marketing | 9.198 Q1 | 218 | 51 | 3581 | 70.22 | United States |
96 | Journal of Economic Literature | 9.194 Q1 | 145 | 33 | 3695 | 111.97 | United States |
97 | Advanced Energy Materials | 8.900 Q1 | 156 | 839 | 58493 | 69.72 | Denmark |
98 | Strategic Management Journal | 8.835 Q1 | 253 | 143 | 11725 | 81.99 | United States |
99 | Nature Protocols | 8.829 Q1 | 206 | 160 | 8260 | 51.63 | Great Britain |
100 | Annual Review of Economics | 8.790 Q1 | 39 | 22 | 2112 | 96 | United States |
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