According to Taiwo (1980:75) for sense of national unity, a country where people are different races and each race tries to emphasize it own importance and there are social or tribal jealousies, one race fears the domination of another race, it is always very difficult to make for national system of education. This study is of a critique of the five main objective of the philosophy of Nigeria education in the contemporary socio-economic and political trends in Nigeria. The first part of this article is the introduction, which deals with the background information to the study. After the introduction the said objectives are critically examined one after the other.


       According to Osokoya (1987:19) the findings of different educational commission in Nigeria, together with the contributions of a number of Nigeria academics and educationists highlighted the weaknesses of the old educational system as being too academic, theoretical, inadequate and unsuitable for providing an overall development of Nigerians. Hence, there was agitation for a re-evaluation of the old system and a desire order need for a natural policy on education.

It was an attempt to meet the demand and the 1979 constitution which brought presidential systems of government that gave birth to 1981 revised edition of the national polices on education.

       We also have five main objectives of the philosophy of Nigeria Education as state in the policy document (1981:7) revised edition are the building of.

  • A free and democratic society
  • A just and egalitarian society
  • A united strong and self reliant nation.
  • A great and dynamic economy
  • A land of bright and full opportunities for all citizens.

The above objectives seem to have symbiotic relationship in the light of contemporary socio-economic and political trends in Nigeria. It us have a critical examination of these objectives one by one.


It is clear that this first objective of philosophy of Nigeria education means that there would be free press, free assembly, free publication, free religion, free education, to name but a few. It is disheartening to note that the reserse is the case. Free this and free only exists on paper, and not in practice.

       As Akande (2003:4) rightly observes Nigeria got her independence in (1960) and in about 43 years of existence had had 29 years of military rule. This could be attributed to the desire of a section of the country to continue to exploit the resources of other section speaking in the same vein Nwuchukwu (1990) a council in Imo State remarked in (1990) that:

       It does not say well of us as a nation if after 30 years of independence on civilian from the southern part of this vast country has ever been head of government News watch, October 8, 1990, vol. 12, No. 15 some years back, 2 decreases 2 and 4 were introduced by the military to silence the ruled. A number of pressmen and social critics were either thrown into Jaaial without trial or mained.


This objectives means that Nigeria is a free society when everyone is equal and should have equal rights the richor poor. Everybody should get what he deserves. It is however very disheartening that the reserse is the cas in a just and egalitarian society’. Equality before the law is not practiced per see. How man people have the Economic power to pursue and maintain the human right in Nigeria? The are a number of hurdles on the way. for instance, The polities of the federal character and quota system are evolved as a sandly approach at rationalizing and justifying injustices. According to Adeyinka (1994:75) one of the most disturbing issues in Nigeria education today is the obnoxious quota system which tends to favour the weak against the strong,

       Nigeria are being treated like aliens in their own fatherland. Fafunwa, a leading e4ducationist and one time minister 8,1990:58 once sai9d, in a federal such as ours, you have to bring up such a system (quota system) So that no section is left behind.

       In certain parts of the country, people from other parts of the nation are being employed on contract basis. Every appointment by the government is scrutinized to ascertain wether the appointe is mushlim or a christen, a northerner or a southern mushim.It is not enough that the appointees are Nigerians and are competent to hold those position(news watch) October 8, vol 12, No15,


       At 43, Nigeria still depends to a large extent on foreign countries in order to exist the country is neither united nor strong self reliance because of one factor or another. We do not have enough man power to build the economy. It is not exaggeration to say that at 43, Nigeria is more or her a “toddber”. Let us have a brief look at the health sector for instances, we do not have enough specialists in our hospital, even teaching hospitals. A significant number of the few that we have traveled out of the country and more are still traveling out. With the rate at which our doctors nurses and other paramedical staff are leaving our shares in search of greener pastures, a good number of the teaching hospitals designated as “centers of excellence” cannot boast of more than a handful of specialists, personnel in various medical fields. This probably explains how and why our leaders spend huge amounts of public find in the name of medical treatment overseas. Health, they say is wealth. How can unhealthy nation be strong and wealthy?

       It is also pertinent to not that government always turns deaf ear to the contributions of man of honour and integrity who are not only prepared to stand above the fog and trapping of high office, but also ready to risk their positions, nay their necks, in defense of what they conceive as the truth alone can lead us away from the path of destruction. Nigeria has suffered a lot of setbacks in the light of political and socio-economic instability. Every new government wants to be recognized with one policy or the other (eg) operation feed the nation, Green Revolution, war against indiscipline.


       Building a great and dynamic economy means that our economy  would be changed for the better. At present. Nigeria economy is complex and things are very expensive that many people especially young ones are taking to aimed robbery in order to survive the hard period, arm robbers are so daring that they are visiting not only the ndi or the middle class, but the seat of government and government lodges. Even police station is not left out.

       Since it is difficult for the young to max both ends meet, they try to set the end against the middle. The economy is consistently recording negative growth rates. Unemployment level in the economy is consistently at high increase.

The transportation system in the country is nothing to write home about. A lot of people, even government can hardly buy new vehicles. Thanks to Tokumbo, (used vechiles) important to the country. Nigeria has become a dumping ground for all sorts of used vehicles.

A land of Bright and full opportunities for all citizens:

       This is to say that every national of Nigeria would enjoy equal opportunity anywhere and anytime not media his or her geographical places of birth in Nigeria.


A bacha .S. (1984) Announcements by the new military        government in Reverse order. Sunday Concord       Lagos: January, 1984.

Ademoyeya, A. (1985) Why we struck: The story of the        first Nigeria coup. Ibadan: Evanst Brothers (Nigeria        publishers) Ltd.

Adesima .S. et al (1985). Foundation studies in      education. Ibadan university press limited.

Adeyinka, A.A. (ed) (1994) Popular topics in    Comparative education of Nigeria tertiary education      students Lagos: Royal communication Ltd.

Akande, B. (2003) Restructuring Nigeria approach to     True federalism. Ibadan: FASCOM

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4 responses

  1. Nigeria is getting better each day, we are a good people and a great nation. Neither UK or USA became what it is overnight. Rather than critisize I believe it is better to look at what we can do as individuals and stop pointing accusing fingers at the government. When you point one finger, four points back at you. John Calvin, John knox, mother Theresa of Calcutta, to mention a few where not Presidents or members of parliament, they were ordinary people like you and I, yet the took simple steps that made a difference and changed the destiny of their country. Nigeria can become all that we desire for her to become, the question is what are we willing to sacrifice to birth the greatness that is already inherent in this great and blessed Nation called Nigeria. As a long as a people sit back in apathy and keep expecting to receive, take take and take again they will never see greatness. Nigeria has potentials beyond our wildest imaginations, however the land or trees cannot make a difference it is the people. How many are willing to sacrifice to see greatness unvailed. Nigeria is more like a young maiden that has being raped and is still being raped. The poor take advantage of her as well as the rich, none of us is guiltless of the current state of decay. We all have a part to play. We often declare the vision of the nation when we sing our anthem “to build a nation where peace and justice shall reign” but who is ready to build, even this article does more of showing how messed up a nation Nigeria is than showing the potentials of the nation and all that can come from this awesome nation. if we are willing to invest in this nation it will arise and i am not talking about the government. We are the government, we are the change agents, we are the labourers, we are the Aristocrates, we are the wealthy, we are the ones who can build not critisize but build this nation. Many Nigerians are building other nations for greed. It is always about getting a fatter salary, pursuing more comfort, lining our pockets every the average man cares more about him or herself than her environment. When we throw paper on the street, urinate in the wrong places, chew gum and stick it in all the wrong places, are we building or destroying the nation. When was the last time you rose up as an individual and made a difference, like sponsoring a little boy who needs help to school, who is intelligent and does not have the means, no we sit back and say “shame on the government they cannot even provide a free education” Nigeria needs you and I to arise beyond the proud and arrogant position of critising and begin to build a nation where peace and justice shall reign, one man cant build a nation. We have a vision now who is willing to sacrifice to see this vision fulfilled. Arise Nigeria! who is Nigeria – we are, we the people of Nigeria make up Nigeria . SO Arise Nigeria that you may fulfill your God given destiny. You have being abused and raped and miss used by us all. We apologize. We rise and chose to build you up! You will grow, you will flourish, you will contribute your quota to the international world. You will give not just receive, you will provide solution to many. Your own have neglected you for too long now we arise to build you up. Arise Nigeria, Arise Nigerians arise everyone rich and poor, short or tall, educated or illiterates, as long as you bear the name “Nigerian” arise let us build our own nation. We are a good people and a great nation. God bless the federal republic of Nigeria.

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