Write my chapter one – 4 super tips to writing chapter one of a research project

Chapter one of the research project/thesis provides a framework through which other chapters are developed or built on. Students at the end of their education, be it undergraduate, masters or Ph. D, are often required to conduct an independent research study, on a given or approved topic. A typical research work provides vast information on a given topic, which is often presented in chapters.

We have outlined the sub-heading that make up the Research Project Chapter one here: HOW TO WRITE CHAPTER ONE OF A FINAL YEAR PROJECT

The content of the chapter of either undergraduate, masters or Ph.D. thesis is presented in a logical sequence which allows for the meaning derived from the previous segment of chapter one to be sustained and reinvented in the subsequent segment while paying attention to unnecessary repetition or words and ideas.

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For researchers seeking knowledge on what and how to start and finish chapter one of their research projects, the following steps will be beneficial to you:

  1. Search for both print and non-print materials on the related topic.
  2. Collect all materials and subsequently sort out the most current ones among the list; this is important because it enables the researcher to become aware of the current knowledge milestone covered in his line of research. It also prevents the researcher from basing his research on information which may or may not find its applicability in modern times. For instance a researcher writing on methods of pregnancy prevention, if such a  researcher based  his judgment on journals or articles written from three decades ago, the resultant effect would be that the ideas presented in such research work  would  be obsolete, thus,  lacks touch with modern and current realities, this is so because; while withdrawal method, chemical contraceptives, and barrier method might be the highly celebrated method in this era, with advancement in technology many  hormonal control pills and injections are now readily available cum the availability of improved  family planning packages.
  3. Read and analyze sorted materials and take notes,
  4. Take action.

Steps in writing Chapter One of the research project

The format at which your chapter will follow differs depending on your discipline, however, most chapter one follows the following format;

Background to the study (Some Supervisors may adjust this to – Background to the Study)

At this stage, it is expected that the research extensively discusses the keywords in his/her research topic, showing its relationship with existing literature and the gaps in knowledge.

Statement of the problem (Some department use Problem Statement)

Here, the researcher is expected to discuss the central issues surrounding his/her research topic, providing detailed information on the effect of the status quo on the intended population to be studied.

Write my Abstract – Get the best Abstract written for your research paper

Objectives of the study

Here, the specific objectives which will guide the study are formulated. The specific objectives can be framed based on the research problem as well as the identified gap in knowledge. It is important that the research specific objectives are constructed in a manner which reflects and supports the general objective of the research study. Hence, accommodating the dependent and independent variables.

Example: Determine the role of parents in educating their wards on sex education.

Research Questions

The formulation of research questions allows the researcher to obtain data from respondents. Research questions can be formulated by turning the specific objectives into questions.

Example: What are the roles of parents in educating their wards on sex education?

Research hypothesis

The researcher formulates a hypothetical assumption which will be tested in the long run in the research. These assumptions in most cases are phrased from the research questions and specific objectives.

Justification/significance of the study

Here, the researcher is expected to discuss the importance of the intended study, and how his/her study would contribute to the development of his/her targeted population, the wider society and to the body of knowledge.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study provides readers with information on the content areas to be covered in the study, as well as the geographical areas to be covered or studied for the purpose of the research.

Limitation of the study

This segment provides details on the possible setback the study is likely to face. Limitations can come in the form of time constraint, unavailability of related literature, lack of finance, or the inadequacy of the instrument to be employed for data analysis among others. It all depends on where it is expected to be either Chapter one or Chapter Five.

Operational definition of terms

Here the keywords and other related words (as will be) used in the study are defined and explained in a manner that aid better understanding as some words could have several meanings.

Chapter Two Format and Guide to Literature Review, Empirical Review and Theoretical Framework

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It is expected that the researcher provides a comprehensive list of all the literature he/she consulted while carrying out the study as well as detailed information on all the authors cited or quoted in the work. References may appear at the end of each chapter, which is called endnotes, or at the bottom end of every page, such as the case in footnotes.

Still not clear on how to go about writing Chapter one of your research project! Worry less, our team of experienced and professional writers is also available to help you solve the puzzle, at a very subsidized rate while maintaining quality. Try us today, and get that wow! Experience.

Recommended: Guidelines for Writing Literature Review


Answer: The cost of writing your chapter one depends on the topic, academic level, duration, and any other requirement as may be specified by you, your school or department.


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3 responses

  1. How to write Chapter 1 if your Research Study is based on Secondary data

    Title Page: Start with a title page that includes the title of your research.

    Start with a general introduction to the research topic to provide background information. Discuss the importance of the topic and its relevance.
    State your research problem, which should be specific, clear, and concise.

    Research Objectives or Questions: In clear terms, state your research objectives or questions. These should be the specific goals you aim to achieve or the questions you want to answer through your study.

    Significance of the Study: Explain why your research is significant. Discuss the potential contributions to the field, the practical implications, and how it advances existing knowledge.

    Scope and Limitations: Define the scope of your research. What is included and what is not included in your study?
    Address the limitations of your research, such as data constraints, potential bias, or methodological limitations.

    Methodology Overview:
    Provide a brief overview of the methodology you used (or WILL USE) to collect and analyze secondary data. Mention the sources of data, data collection methods, and analytical techniques.

    Structure of the Thesis/Dissertation:
    Give a brief outline of the structure of your entire thesis or dissertation. Mention how the subsequent chapters are organized and what each chapter will cover.

    Citation and Referencing:
    If you’ve already identified key works related to your research, briefly mention some of them and cite them properly. This demonstrates your familiarity with the existing literature.

    Conclusion of Chapter 1:
    Summarize the main points discussed in Chapter 1.
    Leave the reader with a clear understanding of the research problem and an anticipation of what the rest of the document will cover.

  2. How do I start my chapter 1 if my research base on industrial application of group vii element

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