We would overhaul the things currently begging for answers, what do I need to do to become a best selling author?

Take your time to closely look at Dan Brown’s Davinci code

Agatha Christie’s and then there were none

The harry potter franchise by J.k Rowling

The Bible by well, a collection of religiously inspired advent

Even without the figures what does the aforementioned have in common? All had earth-breaking sales, and of course, you didn’t need statistics to detail that out for you, their popularity already answered the question before you did. But before the birth of all these some sat down asking the same question that impelled you to sort answers from this article, is it possible to become a bestseller? Yes!

When it comes to literary validation Getting up on Wikipedia or New York Times under the banner of bestsellers is one of the most globally recognized achievement and thus as a writer emphasis are laid on the need to be one, to prove the truthfulness of such remarks even the most level headed down to earth scribe doesn’t flip a coin before imprinting their book covers with ‘best-selling author’ upon reaching such status.

Reaching that honorary position transcends having mere talent and ardency, writing experience, and dope plots, what Christie or J.k Rowling won’t tell you is that much of what is required is marketing equally served with lucid writing. So first consider;

Feeding people what they want

When it comes to marketing, what exactly should burden a person? well, it involves creating an insatiable want for something and then supplying a solution for that want, take the Covid 19 issue for instance, or a similar scenario, supposing I create a book titled “a book you read and die within 3 days” I’m currently utilizing knowledge gotten from psychology capitalizing on the curiosity of everybody.

People would want to know what in particular would kill them if they read my book. Such means of marketing can be adopted or rather, just give readers answers to their wants, “think of what the need is and how you’re going to reach it” Esther Fedorkevich, a literary agent and founder of Federal Agency says.

Take the bible as a case study; the book of Mathew talks about a man, unique in complexity, belonging to a special coterie of individuals, this character is unknown to every index of human existence, he is a new product a promising one that appears very appealing, this alone constantly tickles the curiosity of everybody.

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Note: he was first introduced in Genesis, Vaguely. And that rather unclear message about him stacked stones together till it became a ridge of interest, him, being a central infinite block to the build-up of theologian society you’d find out that by the mere introduction of this character a lot of readers start vying to know who he is.

They’ll check Isaiah, Micah, the book of Psalms, the entire Pentateuch, every and anything that talks about him just to have an insight, they’ll have this insatiable desire to uncover who he is and won’t mind reading the bible 18 times just to find out who he is, and if it happens that he bible has a part 2,3, and 4 they won’t hesitate to buy it why?

Because he is central to their beliefs, they already have a want for him, he provides what many can’t, and he falls under their interest range similar to the entire bible that talks about this guy, the 3rd per cent of all laws on earth were rightly sourced from it, a begging need to reinstate order and a doable code of conduct impelled many to seek from the scriptures and it didn’t fail to suffice.

This should align your thoughts with a first-hand secret to becoming the author of a bestseller, providing what humans want but don’t have. The Bible gives zealous religious mongers in all clearness the knowledge they seek, it brings the whole concept of their reality to understanding. How the universe was formed, what happens to man when they die, who puts the salt in the sea, what gain is there for doing good, etc.

Before you start you should have a prospective client or a targeted audience. Take this article, for example, the title reads, “BECOMING A BEST SELLERS AUTHOR.” What are the odds of this article prospering if presented to failed fishermen who have no interest in writing? Exactly.

But if I write an article or a book titled “how to become fishers of men ”and present it at a conference populated by failed clerics, influencers, and evangelists or a book titled, unveiling the true identity of God it would only be a matter of days before the book starts topping charts and divulging a whole new meaning to recognition.

Also Read: Book Review Sample -Critical Review of “Arrow of God” by Chinua Achebe

Formulating Content that matches the objectives

This is a very important aspect, the review of your entire book depends on how well the content has been formatted and how it tallies with the objective. This would help project the popular state of your book sky high, just like Dan’s Davinci’s code that latched on popularity, yours too would ride similar tides. pay caution, nobody would buy a book or read a book with a negative review.

So far as the above content of this article informed you on how to be a best sellers author?.

Adopting a very enticing context format after the propagated mentality and choice method of sufficing popular demands would propel you miles, have you come across Bedlam by Derek Landy, the skulduggery franchise that has been a major hit in Ireland and major places worldwide or the call of Cthulhu by H.P Lovecraft?

Yes, they are typical stories pulled from thin air that preys on the imaginations and the ability to create chimeric principalities that create mental orgasm as well as satisfaction for paranormal fanatics, but before any attested to the peculiarity of such books they had to pass through the reading phase, and as of that point no type of marketing strategy would have helped either of both writers sail other than their excellent writing prowess that defined the objective.

Their choice of diction from the first margin to the extra blank page at the back of the book was fashioned to be hypnotic by default but still maintain the purpose of the book without fidgeting or faltering, a moral should be drawn from here one that should serve as your mantra and a yardstick till you put a final full stop and drop the pen as a writer; no one would purchase my book if it is poorly written if it doesn’t meet the objective. the quality of the content would preach about the quality of the book, the quality of the book is what drives sales.

Elect a publishing path

Here is where the million-dollar question comes in, should I self-publish or employ the traditional publishing method?

This question has been something to contend with over the years by authors and such can be credited to the unanimous decision of industry tides opting in favour of eBooks and DIYs (do it yourself)

Of course, this is where the icebreaker would be required, but before hunkering on a decision you should weigh the pros and cons and how it would influence the sale of your book.

Fedorkevich delivers a pointer saying “the beautiful thing about self-publishing is that you don’t have to wait; when your book is done, you can have it up and out as an eBook two weeks later” self-publishing a book avails you to releasing your book any time at your convenience whether a day after it’s been published or weeks later, on the other hand deciding to go for a traditional publishing method would require you wait a year after the manuscript is done before the release.

However, put to the thought that this factor depends solely on the status quo and factors influencing the environment. If the sale of your book should occur at a rapid rate, it should contain what is most needed at that period of time or better still what would be very beneficial during the long run.

Market yourself as a brand

This sick devised strategy can actually stunt book sales, Stephen King, an all-time gothic author and king of horror stories as well as Maya Angelou a world-class poetess always record massive sales upon release of any literary inclined work.

How? you might ask, the pair have cultivated themselves a very elaborate built-in fan base that spans worldwide, having such numbers automatically converts to the number of sales they make per book, this should be your target as a writer especially if you’d patronize multiple genres or topics.

Upon doing so you should take heed to one of the most effective influences on bestselling authors and what partially contributes to their success, is;

Bury the idea of being a best-selling author

This probably caught you by surprise as it rippled through your mind, it defeats the entire human-erected logic that only when you put your mind into something it can be achieved but that doesn’t reflect in this case.

Books that hit the best sellers list do it within the first two weeks of release, and because of that a lot of writers get worked up trying to sell their book in large numbers during the first 2 weeks some might succeed in doing so but before a consecution of 3 months the book elapses its relevance and a single copy might not be sold afterwards.

Put into consideration your long-term potentials maybe it wouldn’t hit the bestsellers list within the first 2 weeks of its release but there is no limit or designated period of time to when a book should be marred as best sellers all that is required is organic sales, and as time goes on the popularity of the book would eventually spike up.

If you read this post to this point, it means you have one of the things needed to make the top list. Stop procrastinating and get to work immediately. We have another post here:

Book writing Structure – 5 tips to properly structure a Book (A story)

Catchy Book Introduction -3 important steps to Writing a Catchy Introduction for your Book

Choosing Book title -5 things to consider while choose a Compelling Title for your Book

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